Age: 24

District: Dhading

Health Facility: Marpak Health Post

Years of work experience: 2 years, 8 months

Favorite thing about her village: “The Marpak HP lies in a very remote northern part of the Dhading district that can take up to four hours of off road driving to reach. Where I live is a small community with a great culture and people. The people here trust my work and our relationship is strong.”

Why she wants to be an SBA: “As part of the nursing staff, I am responsible for providing quality health services for mothers and newborns. I  have studied how to manage birthing complications but lack the necessary practical experience. Since SBA training is mostly practical based training, if I get the opportunity to be certified I could then provide the health services my community needs. Our health facility is in a remote part of the district and many times it is difficult to refer cases due to poor road conditions. I wish to be attend SBA training so that I can save the lives of mothers and newborns and provide quality health service to the entire community.”

About her work:

Average number of ANC visits per month: 5

Average number of deliveries per month: 3

Population served by the birth center: 3599

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