Age: 24

District: Sindhupalchok

Health Facility: Bhotshipa Health Post

Years of work experience: 2.5 years

Why she wants to be an SBA: “Ever since I was assigned to the Bhotshipa health post, I have been conducting deliveries in their birthing center. I can handle normal deliveries but I realize I am do not have the skills to conduct a delivery if there is a complication.  There is one SBA in our health post but she is just a contracted staff and her appointment is not fixed. If there is any complication during delivery, there is generally not a SBA available I have to refer the mother to a higher facility. If I get SBA training, I will be able to conduct breech delivery and vacuum delivery assuredly. Becoming an SBA will help the region handle the abundance of delivery services in our birthing center.”

About her work:

AverageNumber of ANC visits/month: 6

Average number of deliveries/ month: 4




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